In order to configure DKIM for Mailgun using your domain, we need to follow these steps.
- Login to your Mailgun account.
- Go to the Domains tab.
- Click on your domain: (or add your domain in case you haven't already done so like shown below), Select one of the provided Countries, Select Create DKIM authority, and select the bit-length for your DKIM record. The longer the DKIM key, the more difficult it is for a spammer to send emails that represents your domain.
- On the domain settings page, you will find the DKIM records generated for your domain in the Domain Verification & DNS section.
- Copy the DKIM records to your keyboard.
- Login to your domain's DNS management console.
- Paste the DKIM records in your DNS and save changes.
- Log back in to your Mailgun account and check for a verified status (a green verification badge) against your domain name to confirm that your domain has been verified and setup with DKIM email authentication. You should also receive an email confirming your verification status from Mailgun.
- You can then verify your message is passing DKIM by sending yourself a test message and analyzing the header of the message.