
SendGrid allows you to enable DKIM for all outbound emails to improve email deliverability and generates 3 CNAME DKIM records for you to publish your domain's DNS for your specific DNS hosting service to configure the protocol.
In order to enable DKIM for SendGrid go through the following steps:

  1. Login to your SendGrid account
  2. Go to Settings > Sender Authentication > Authenticate Your Domain by clicking on Get Started.

  1. Enter the domain name you would like to authenticate and click Next

  1.   Choose your DNS host (for simplicity, just click “I’m not sure”). Choose “yes” to brand links.

  1. Enter your domain in the From Domain. In Advanced Settings, check Use automated security and check Use custom DKIM selector. I'd recommend using 3 unique characters. This will make it easy for you to identify messages with SendGrid.

  1. You will be able to see an "em" CNAME record and 2 CNAME DKIM records (s1 and s2).

  1. Now you may publish these 3 DNS records for your domain, and we've completed the DKIM authentication setup process for SendGrid. Alternatively, you can Select Send To A Coworker to email them to someone that has access to your DNS provider.
  2. You can then verify your message is passing DKIM by sending yourself a test message and analyzing the header of the message.